02920 736011  Cardiff Spinal Clinic

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I had a slipped disc at the beginning of 2019 and I was unable to sit down without excruciating pain. I could no longer work and was having my salary reduced as the months went on. I was terrified of losing my income altogether. I couldn’t wait any longer so I called Spire and they arranged a consultation with Alwyn Jones.
Andrew, 37, from Cardiff


As it is coming up to my 1 year anniversary of my spinal surgery, I have to say I am still amazed to be given my life back and thank you for your time and expertise. I am so grateful to you all for getting me through the operation. I am very lucky. Thank you so much.
Sue, 67, from Bridgend

 Opening Times

Monday to Friday
9:00am to 5:00pm

Clinic Days

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays

 Emergency Cases

If you need immediate medical attention during opening hours please contact us on 02920 736011.
Out of hours and weekend emergency services are available by emailing us on mralwynjones@gmail.com


If you need to book an appointment please call the clinic on 02920 736011.
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Are you suffering from Back Pain?

The NHS in a study in 2014 cited back pain as the 'leading cause of disability' and it affects up to 1 in 10 people. Get in contact with the Cardiff Spinal Clinic if you have symptoms or suffer from this ailment. Schedule Checkup
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Picture of Acute Back Pain

Acute Back Pain

This can occur anywhere in the spine but is commonly localised to the neck or lower back. It generally follows a typical course and tends to resolve naturally within the first three months.
Chronic Back Pain

Chronic Back Pain

Chronic pain is defined as a pain that has been present for more than three months. Commonly patients describe a pain that has been there for years and tends to fluctuate.
Picture of Coccydynia


Pain from the sacro-coccygeal joint can result from a fall or can be of insidious onset. Due to the pain when sitting, patients tend to sit on either buttock to try and offload the painful area.
Picture of Degenerative Disc

Degenerative disc disease

Degenerative disc disease is also commonly known as spondylosis and is the result of an aging spine. The discs are the shock absorbers that sit in between the vertebrae and with age they lose water content and become stiffer.
Picture of Herniated Disc

Disc Herniation

Discs sit in between each vertebrae and act as a shock absorber. Due to varying factures, as we age, the disc goes through a process of dehydration, this makes it stiffer and offers less shock absorbance.
Picture of Facet Joint

Facet Joint Pain

There are a pair of facet joints, which are small joints at the back of the spinal canal. They are found throughout the length of the spine and therefore are present in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

Failed Back Syndrome

Failed back syndrome describes chronic back or neck pain with or without limb referral that can occur after surgery that has not achieved the desired outcome. Factors associated with failed back syndrome can be a recurrent disc herniation.


The spine has four natural curves looking at it from the side (sagittal profile) but one of these forward curves can become exaggerated and this is known as a kyphosis. It involves excess curvature in a forward direction and can result in a rounded or hunch back appearance.


Myelopathy is a term used for compression of the spinal cord. Therefore, this can occur anywhere between the top of the neck and bottom of the thoracic spine. The spinal cord serves as the pathway of nerve transmission from the brain to the body.


Osteoporosis is a condition where there is decreased bone density via thinning of the bone. In itself, this is not painful. It tends to occur with advancing age. There are other factors that should be considered with regards to metabolic, genetic and medications.

Sacroiliac Joint Pain

The sacro-iliac joints sit in the pelvis. There is one either side and sits in the buttock area. The ligaments around the sacro-iliac joint are extremely strong and cover the joint in the front and back.


Scoliosis, which is the term used for a spine with an abnormal sideways curvature, which is commonly associated with a rotational abnormality commonly occurs within the growing spine and is more common in females.
Spinal Fracture

Spinal Fracture

Spinal fractures can occur at any area of the spine. The fracture can involve either the vertebral body or bony areas behind the spine. Spinal fractures can occur following minor trauma in patients with bone fragility.
Spinal Stenosis Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis essentially means narrowing of the spinal canal through which the spinal cord or nerves travel and exit at each level to supply either the arms or legs. This most commonly occurs in the lower back (lumbar region) or in the neck (cervical region).
Spinal Tumours Spinal Tumours

Spinal Tumours

A spinal tumour is rare and tends to occur following the growth of cells within the vertebrae and if they continue to grow they can then put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves in the spinal canal leading to pain.


Spondylolisthesis is a term used for when the alignment of one vertebra upon another is abnormal. This is looking at the spine from the side (lateral view). The vertebra can slide backwards (retrolisthesis) or more commonly the vertebra slides forwards on the one below causing a misalignment.


Spondylolysis is a stress fracture that occurs in the posterior aspect of the spine. It can occur in around 5% of individuals but is more common in sports people. It can result in localised back pain with occasional referral into the legs if there is some nerve irritation.


Stingers occur in sports individuals commonly. It refers to stretching of the upper aspect of the brachial plexus which is a group of nerves between the neck and the shoulder. These tend to be self-limiting and settle very quickly.
The Normal Spine

The Normal Spine

The spinal column extends from the skull to the pelvis. There are thirty-three individual spinal vertebrae which are stacked in a column separated by the intervertebral discs which act as shock absorbers.
Spine Imaging

Types of Spinal Imaging

Occasionally dynamic x-rays can be used to show abnormal movement/instability. Further investigations may include an MRI scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) which details the discs and nerves more closely, CT (Computerised Tomography), SPECT or DEXA.


Stingers occur in sports individuals commonly. It refers to stretching of the upper aspect of the brachial plexus which is a group of nerves between the neck and the shoulder. These tend to be self-limiting and settle very quickly.

Our History

I've now been a consultant spinal surgeon in Cardiff since 2004, where I treat all spinal conditions including adult and paediatric deformity (scoliosis), degenerative conditions including, neck and arm pain, back pain and sciatica. I also treat spinal fractures with or without spinal cord injury, spinal infections, as well as patients with rheumatoid arthritis. I manage spinal sports injuries, treating local rugby and cricket teams as well as an interest in minimally invasive surgery and endoscopy.

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Frequent Questions About Alwyn Jones

What kind of experience do you have?

A:I've now been a consultant spinal surgeon in Cardiff since 2004 where I treat all spinal conditions including adult and paediatric deformity (scoliosis), neck and arm pain, back pain and sciatica.

What kind of investigation do you undertake?

A:I perform several minimally invasive procedures, over 300 major cases and between 400 - 500 injections each year. I have an active role in clinical and biomechanical research, and teach and present at local and national meetings.

Are you also versed in Paediatrics?

A:Then I spent a year in Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, where I completed a nationally recognised spinal fellowship, treating both adult and paediatric spinal conditions.

What Kinds of Insurance do you take?

A:We accept different kinds of insurance plans and also have NHS based patients.

Do you have a complaints procedure?

A:Yes we do, It is our aim to always have satisfied patients, to meet your expectations of care and service and to resolve any complaints as efficiently, effectively and politely as possible.

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